Hand Papermaking offers the ninth in a series of distinctive portfolios this coming year, featuring several Guild members,
Handmade Paper in Motion.This extraordinary assortment of collaborative artwork—14 pieces by 27 artists—features pop-ups, moveable devices, and other forms of dynamic paper engineering. The motion and imagery is enhanced physically and conceptually by the use of handmade paper designed and made specifically for each edition.
Imaging techniques include suminagashi marbling, woodcut, linocut, letterpress, pochoir, pulp painting, and screenprint. The paper is enhanced with watermarks, natural inclusions, double couching, multi-colored pulps, and other innovative methods. The artists incorporate a wide variety of the paper fibers.
A custom-made clamshell box houses the work, each in a protective folder imprinted with the artists’ names. A handbound booklet contains statements from each artist and a commissioned essay by well-known pop-up collector and author Ann Montanaro, who founded the Moveable Book Society.
Artists in the portfolio, both juried and invited, are:
Richard Aldorasi & Colette Fu, Tom Balbo & Michael Durgin,
Michelle Bayer & Kyle Olmon,
Rachelle Chuang & Joan Michaels Paque,
Helen Hiebert & Betsy Cluff, Amy Jacobs & Philip Bell,
Jeanne Jaffe & Hedi Kyle, Tom Leech & Sally Blakemore,
Bridget O’Malley & Emily Martin, Margaret Prentice & Ed Hutchins,
Winnie Radolan & Pamela Wood, Erin Robin & Mary Tasillo,
Shawn Sheehy, Lynn Sures & Carol Barton.
Juried by Robert Sabuda, Margaret Prentice, Bonnie Stahlecker, and Carol Barton.
The portfolio designer is Steve Miller, and the editor is Mina Takahashi.
For more information, contact Hand Papermaking at www.handpapermaking.org, info@handpapermaking.org, (800) 821-6604.