Thursday, March 21, 2013

From the Vats Exhibition

APRIL 5th – 27th, 2013
Markeim Art Center, Haddonfield, NJ

Please join us on Friday, April 5 from 7 to 9pm for an opening celebration of new work in handmade paper by Guild members, followed by a Paper Demonstration Day on Saturday, April 6, from 12 noon to 2pm, featuring demonstrations in papermaking and related arts.

Location and exhibition hours can be found at:

Friday, February 22, 2013

Helen Hiebert Lecture & Workshop

Helen Hiebert, Guest Artist
March 16th & 17th, 2013
Anderson Hall & Papermaking Studio UArts, Philadelphia
Co-Sponsored by the Guild of Papermakers and the University of the Arts Book Arts program

Lecture Saturday am from 10:30 – 11:30 AM  Free and Open to ALL, Anderson Hall, UArts, 333 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA. (Ask Guard for room number upon arrival.)
Internationally recognized paper and book artist Helen Hiebert will share examples of her most recent work, including her limited edition artists’ books, a video documentary about the Mother Tree Project, her traveling community installation about motherhood, and the Secret Life of Paper, a short film about abaca. She will also discuss her adventures in writing how-to books and using social media in the paper world. For more information on Helen's work, visit

Watermarking Workshop, Saturday afternoon and all day Sunday, UArts paper studio
Watermarking is a technique unique to handmade paper which is useful in making books, lamps, lanterns and more. Join Helen Hiebert as we experiment with wire, fabric paint, and rubber to create watermark designs. We will attach the designs to removable screens, place them on top of papermaking moulds and form sheets which will reveal the watermarks. We will discuss and experiment with suitable watermarking pulps, and we’ll also explore layering sheets of paper to make watermarked images that are visible without backlighting. Each participant will make a couple of watermarked screens, pull sheets using those screens, and will be able to take the screens back to their studio for continued use. We will also do a watermark exchange, so that every participant gets to take home a variety of watermarked sheets. Fee…$170 per person, email to register or for more information.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Paper Awareness Closing Reception and Press

Please join us in Collingswood at Perkins Center for the Arts on August 14, from 6 - 8pm, as we mark the closing of a very beautiful Guild exhibition, Paper Awareness XII. If you haven’t seen the show, this is the perfect opportunity. Many of the artists will be present. Perkins Center for the Arts is located at 30 Irvin Avenue, Collinswood, NJ.

We're also pleased to share a review of the show from the CourierPostOnline here:

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Paper Awareness XII: Mark Your Calendars!

The Guild of Papermakers will hold their 12th Members Exhibition this summer at the Perkins Center for the Arts in Collingswood, New Jersey. The show will be on view July 10 through August 14. For venue details, visit Stay tuned for more information as the exhibit approaches.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Handmade Paper in Motion

Hand Papermaking offers the ninth in a series of distinctive portfolios this coming year, featuring several Guild members, Handmade Paper in Motion.

This extraordinary assortment of collaborative artwork—14 pieces by 27 artists—features pop-ups, moveable devices, and other forms of dynamic paper engineering. The motion and imagery is enhanced physically and conceptually by the use of handmade paper designed and made specifically for each edition.

Imaging techniques include suminagashi marbling, woodcut, linocut, letterpress, pochoir, pulp painting, and screenprint. The paper is enhanced with watermarks, natural inclusions, double couching, multi-colored pulps, and other innovative methods. The artists incorporate a wide variety of the paper fibers.

A custom-made clamshell box houses the work, each in a protective folder imprinted with the artists’ names. A handbound booklet contains statements from each artist and a commissioned essay by well-known pop-up collector and author Ann Montanaro, who founded the Moveable Book Society.

Artists in the portfolio, both juried and invited, are:

Richard Aldorasi & Colette Fu, Tom Balbo & Michael Durgin,
Michelle Bayer & Kyle Olmon,
Rachelle Chuang & Joan Michaels Paque,
Helen Hiebert & Betsy Cluff, Amy Jacobs & Philip Bell,
Jeanne Jaffe & Hedi Kyle, Tom Leech & Sally Blakemore,
Bridget O’Malley & Emily Martin, Margaret Prentice & Ed Hutchins,
Winnie Radolan & Pamela Wood, Erin Robin & Mary Tasillo,
Shawn Sheehy, Lynn Sures & Carol Barton.

Juried by Robert Sabuda, Margaret Prentice, Bonnie Stahlecker, and Carol Barton.
The portfolio designer is Steve Miller, and the editor is Mina Takahashi.

For more information, contact Hand Papermaking at,, (800) 821-6604.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Welcome House at the Painted Bride

Greetings from the Welcome House is on view at the Painted Bride, featuring video documentation of the October Welcome House event in Love Park. This includes documentation of Guild members Mary Tasillo and Michelle Wilson's Book Bombs Shelter, a day of interactive papermaking and pulp printing.

Book Bombs
is much obliged to Ricardo Rivera for capturing this day of public paper art so beautifully. Please come to the opening Friday, November 6, 5-7, to check it out, or stop by during gallery hours in November and December. The Welcome House structure itself will be on view in the exhibition Shelter, also on view through the end of the year at the Painted Bride.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Book Bombs Project

Guild Members Mary Tasillo and Michelle Wilson invite you to this public hand paper art project.


October 9, 2009

Press Release

welcome house

Philadelphia, PA - Sept. 22, 2009 -

Philadelphia's First Person Arts Festival is proud to host BOOK BOMBS as part of the Welcome House Project. BOOK BOMBS is a collaboration between artists Mary Tasillo and Michelle Wilson. The Welcome House is a 10 foot by 10 foot transparent cube installed in Philadelphia's own Love Park, featuring artist projects by day and video of the day's activities by night. On October 9, 2009, 10am-6pm, as part of their day-long residency, BOOK BOMBS will utilize handmade paper and community participation to create a site-specific one-night installation called Book Bombs Shelter. This event is free and open to the public.

bb logo

BOOK BOMBS is a collaborative, site-based zine project examining Philadelphia parks and benches as social spaces, shelters and art galleries, and will culminate next year as a component of PHILAGRAFIKA 2010. For Book Bombs Shelter, Tasillo and Wilson invite the population of Love Park, including office workers, skateboarders, protesters, passers-by, and the homeless, to create works in handmade paper about Love Park. The resulting papers will be attached while still wet to the interior of the Welcome House, creating an evolving visual conversation about the nature of urban public space in general and Love Park in particular. In addition, the pieces will be documented on the project blog and used as material for the upcoming zine publication about shelter, homelessness, and urban space during PHILAGRAFIKA 2010.

The Welcome House is a project conceived and curated by artist Marianne Bernstein and presented by First Person Arts in collaboration with Designed to re-imagine art spaces, art practice, and community engagement, artists were invited to propose one-day residencies using the space as a nexus for public interaction. All daytime events will be filmed by klip collective videographer Ricardo Rivera and projected onto the cube at night for public viewing. Following the project will be an exhibition of the works created in the Welcome House at the Painted Bride Art Center, located at 230 Vine Street in Philadelphia, in November 2009. The exhibition will remain on display during the First Person Arts Festival and through the end of 2009.


October 9, 2009, 10am-6pm:
Book Bombs Shelter, a collaborative public art project by Mary Tasillo and Michelle Wilson, part of the Welcome House Project. Love Park, 15th and JFK Boulevard, Philadelphia, PA. Free and open to the public.

Mary Tasillo is a book, print, text, and paper artist based in Philadelphia, PA. She is also a teacher, writer, and independent scholar. She balances limited edition work with the democratic multiple to ensure the broadest possible audience. Mary holds an MFA in Book Arts/Printmaking from The University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA.

Michelle Wilson is an interdisciplinary artist whose work focuses on social and environmental issues. Through the use of intersecting narratives, she creates situations that transform history into invented mythology, and asks viewers to consider the impact of their choices upon a larger world.